New Home
I'm moving on to slicker and more streamlined things, however, so I hope you'll come take a peek at my new tumblr website:
I'll be switching to that site completely, so add it to your list of things to follow!
Watch out for shows on Feb. 9 (tomorrow!), March 24 & April 22!
Thanks and goodbye,
Some photos...
Hello Friends!
In case you needed the reminder, I'm showing a new work in progress, tentatively called Refrain, at Movement Research at the Judson Church THIS MONDAY...If you can't come to that, or need your fix of flirty stewing and slow motion emotion RIGHT NOW, come have a beer and see us do some snippets between 8 and 11pm at AUNTSregular SATURDAY night. Info for both is below:
Rebecca Warner, Tara Aisha Willis, Ryutaro Mishima, Yve Laris Cohen
Monday at 8pm
doors open at 7:45pm
Location: Judson Memorial Church
55 Washington Square South
seating is limited, so arrive early
Selection Committee for Fall/Winter 2011-12:
Monstah Black, Tei Blow, Hilary Clark, Mariangela Lopez, Kayvon Pourazar, Pam Tanowitz
AUNTS regular
December 17, 2011 at 8pm
Secret Works Loft
59 Jefferson Street #301
Admission is a Contribution to the Free Bar or Boutique where everyone shops and drinks for free all night long!
Bring anything, like beer, soda, juice, the shirt in the back of your closet that you never wear anymore, etc.
AUNTS regular is the *classic* one night only AUNTS evening with multiple performers, overlapping performances, open dance parties, multi-disciplinary, body/non-body based, time oriented, finished/experimental/
· Mikel Ochoteco and Leire San Martin
· Effie Bowen
· Megan Byrne / Jessica Ray
· Local Obscure
· Cody, Karl and Ally
· saifan shmerer | SASSON
· Elizabeth Ward
· The Bureau for the Future of Choreography
· Katy Pyle and Hedia Maron
· Sari Nordman and Inka Juslin
· niv Acosta
· and more!
Oh, and if you are a working artist in NYC get your portrait taken for this project by Marc Landas
Save the Date!
new and reassembled work by Emily Bock, Hadley Smith & Tara Aisha Willis
November 4th and 5th, 8pm
BAX/Brooklyn Arts Exchange
tickets $12
email thisyearscollective@gmail.com for reservations and inquiries
visit us on facebook and on twitter @thsyrscollectiv
This production is being presented through BAX's Visitors Program, a subsidized performance package rental program, and is a self-production by this year's collective.
BodyPoem is BACK...

After an absentee summer, I'm back with updates and announcements that will definitely make this a good year for BodyPoem blogging...
Save the Date: RoofTop is coming!
Two cities, Two days!