
Buenos Aires, tango danza, desubicación

With the help of my Centennial Scholars grant, in January of 2009 I returned to Buenos Aires to study with tango teacher Oscar Oubel, visit old friends from my 6 months living there previously, and do more work on my project. Here are two videos of some of the work Oscar and I did, which were both also used in the multimedia dance piece I finally created. I wanted to work with Oscar because I had taken a short evening workshop with him and another teacher when I was first in Buenos Aires and I saw some similarities between the alternative way he approaches tango and the ideas of contact improvisation, which I've studied as a modern dancer here in NYC. You can see the ideas of distance, space, and proximity examined in my Centennial Scholars project in action in these videos.

Please look up Oscar Oubel at http://www.oscaroubel.blogspot.com/ or for more video footage of our workshop visit http://www.vimeo.com/3997448.

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